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Friday, January 29, 2010

Hearts for Haiti featured on Etsy

VictoriaHow wonderful it was to see that Alison, a writer and editor for Etsy's blog, interviewed Victoria, the organizer behind HeartsforHaiti.

How did HeartsforHaiti come to be?
How does HeartsforHaiti work?
How can Etsy sellers get involved?
What charities does the money go toward?
At what point does the project end?
How would you sum up the project?
Any final thoughts?

Find the answers to all of these questions on the Hearts for Haiti: Etsy Sellers Do Their Part article on The Storque.


  1. I LOVE VICTORIA!!! *smooches computer screen*

    Great article! Well done!

  2. Victoria, congratulations on the Etsy Storque interview! Great article. And how about those glowing Comments?! Thank you for bringing all of us together.
