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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Interesting Photo

Hearts for Haiti in San FrancisoWhile Nora, HeartsforHaiti Volunteer, was in San Francisco over the weekend, she passed this mural on a shopfront on Union Street.

Apparently, we are not alone in using the HEARTS FOR HAITI name, nor in having the $$$ raised go to Doctors Without Borders.

This was a group of local merchants, accepting donations and/or offering a portion of proceeds. Their goal was $10,000 in 10 days. She wasn't able to find out how they did.


  1. What a beautiful mural, thank you for passing this along Nora! I hope they did well raising funds for Doctors Without Borders!

  2. Wow, I hadn't heard about that and I live near San Francisco! Thanks for sharing this Nora.

    Apparently that is being sponsored by a San Francisco radio station. When I Googled, "Hearts for Haiti", I found that group, Hearts for, and Hearts for (a church group).

    Our Etsy shop comes in 3rd on the Google search.

    Nora, I would love to know where the mural is located..San Francisco is known for it's many murals. It's looks beautiful!

  3. Hi, The mural is on Union Street in San Francisco, There is a column by Leah Garchik mentioning it mid way down. I tried to post the link but this field would not accept it, go to search for leah garchik her Feb 17 column. I sent the entire article to Nora via convo.

    kind regards, Nancy McNally

  4. Thanks so much for posting this so quickly!!! It is amazing how many Americans are trying to help Haiti, isn't it? Even though the media attention has waned, many are still dedicated to aiding this cause.

    In an effort to give credit as due, the mural artist is CRAIG BRITTON, of Crockett, CA. It seems he donated his time and talents.

    Please, EVERYONE, read today's SF Chronicle article about the artist of the mural I saw on Union Street.......sadly, I am unable to copy and paste either the text or the links.....I am sure that a GOOGLE dsearch will bring up the information.


  5. I like what he says in the article: "I don't have any money, but this is something I could do. I can paint murals."

    Thank you Nancy! I'm a muralist too and I think this is a great idea.
