Thursday, October 28, 2010

A thank you from Doctors Without Borders

I was so touched today to receive a handwritten thank you note from the Hearts for Haiti contact at MSF and want to share it here since it is really for everyone who volunteered, donated, supported, promoted, and otherwise helped our project become such a great success.

The card reads, "Dear Victoria, On behalf of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), I want to thank you for all your generous work fundraising to support our organization. We are so honored you selected MSF as the beneficiary. As requested at the beginning all donations have been directed towards our operations treating the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Your efforts are helping us to respond to the emergency in Haiti by providing urgently needed medical care and humanitarian aid to thousands of vulnerable people. Please extend our gratitude to all those involved. Thank you for getting involved and for helping to make a difference. Kind Regards, Charlie Kunzer"

It's a simple gesture but somehow it really brought everything home for me. We really did do something monumental!

♥ Victoria

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Art of Compassion

Here is another great example of artists using their talent and generosity to help those in need through Doctors Without Borders.  (You can view the online magazine here.)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fourth and final payment sent - $7,305.64

I'm so honored to finally be sending this fourth and final check to Doctors Without Borders. This experience. The shop closed in September and I just had the PayPal reserve lifted and the money transferred to the credit union account so at long last the rest of the money is on its way! Another $7,300--amazing!

♥ Victoria

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Film: Etsy Hearts for Haiti, Movie Trailer

Grace & Mercy is a film about Haiti.  A film life admist destruction.  We follow 5 Haitians as they rebuild theirs and other fellow Haitian's lives.

A friend of mine is working with the film maker of this documentary.  This movie trailer is only 1:34 sec. long but powerful.  (Click the image, allow 1 minute to load).

Love and Peace, Sunny

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Alert Article -Sept. 30, 2010 Haiti: Impact of Donor Support


Haiti: The Impact of Donor Support

Among the large scope of MSF activities in Haiti, as of May 31, more than $14.6 million has been spent on surgical care for Haitians injured in the earthquake. At least $5.3 million was spent on maternal health services.

article located at Doctors Without Borders here

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Deposit Check will be posted soon

Victoria van der Laan our Etsy Hearts for Haiti founder emailed the Team members and said that she is happy to report that she will be able to post the final check for Doctors Without Borders as soon as the funds clear PayPal in Oct.    

If you have any questions you can contact Victoria directly by clicking "Main Shop Keep" or clicking the Contact Us button.

My name is Sunny, I'm the blog writer volunteer and I'll be happy to post your comments, photos, articles, and stories about your what you made for the HFH shop or what you purchased, or anything else you'd like to share with the other donors.

Again, thank you.

Sept. 14, 2010
A Message To The Donors From Sunny,
(HFH blog volunteer)

We did a great job everyone!!

I will be posting updates from the DWB news stories from Haiti as time goes on.

I know that not just hundreds -but thousands of you (2,641 of you to be exact) stood in line at the post office, some with children in tow, or took time off from your busy day to get to the post office to get those donated items into the mail on time.  You paid for postage and your took some of your finest shop items and gave them out of the generosity of your heart.  THANK YOU! Your donations brought medical supplies to many, many people desperately in need of them.

This blog will remain open as a reminder of what what accomplished when the hearts and hands of a global arts and crafts community joined together to help humanity in their time of need.

Comments always welcomed,
Sincerely, Sunny
HFH Blog Volunteer

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Etsy Hearts For Heart Shop is now closed

HeartsforHaiti's Shop Announcement

September 3, 2010: Hearts for Haiti is now closed. Together our amazing community has raised $33,803.32 for Doctors Without Borders in Haiti!

Thank you to everyone who made this amazing effort possible!!

HeartsforHaiti is an Etsy collective of hundreds of Etsy shops who have generously donated items to raise money so we can assist the relief efforts in Haiti. 

100% of the proceeds from this shop (after Etsy and PayPal fees) go directly to Doctors Without Borders ( ). They have given HeartsforHaiti permission to use their name, and separate PayPal and bank accounts have been set up to maintain the integrity of this shop.


Doctors Without Borders' twitter updates from Haiti at @MSF_USA

Monday, June 14, 2010

Update on Hearts for Haiti shop....

Some very good news:  The Hearts for Haiti shop has now raised *drum roll please* $33,525.73 (after fees) for Doctors Without Borders.  The shop is winding down now and when the last of the 100 or so items expire the shop will close.  I don't think any of us who were on the Volunteer team dreamed that so much could be done so quickly.  It was made possible because of the many, many generous donors.  Here's one beautiful example (above). -This item is still available!  

Mini Paua Abalone Sea Shell Earrings in Green and Gold $9.00 with free shipping.

This item was donated by from 
Calgary Alberta Canada. All proceeds from this donation (after Paypal & Etsy fees) go to Doctors Without Borders to assist their work in Haiti. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What? The HFH Shop Is Extinct?

"No way, our doors are still open!....come visit us!

But this is to let you know, that it looks like will be stopping all new listings at the end of April, & shutting down at the end of August when everything has expired. 

Things start expiring in a few weeks, so if there was anything you wanted, now is the time to get it." (hint, free shipping!)

Two Colour Original Illustration of Nautilus.
copyright 2008, Dayna Gedney.

This is a handpulled silk screen, printed on quality, acid free paper, size 16"x20" using archival quality inks. Signed and dated at the bottom of the work. $40.00 US. (shipping generously donated by daynagedney.)

This item was donated by from Toronto, Canada. All proceeds from this donation (after fees) go to Doctors Without Borders to assist their work in Haiti.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Treasure Chest of Love

The Etsy Hearts for Haiti shop will still be taking your handmade arts and crafts (plus vintage and craft supplies) donations until the end of April 2010.  The Hearts for Haiti online Etsy shop will stay open and continue to sell the hundreds of goodies in stock. Come have a look  -the variety of donations from the talented members of the Etsy community is simply amazing! 

                 Flowering Fire - small glass treasure box

For all of your little treasures and secrets here is a hand painted lidded glass box. Dimensions:    3 1/4” x 4 1/4”. $34.00 us.
This item was donated by from Brooklyn, NY US. 

All proceeds from this donation (after fees) go to Doctors Without Borders to assist their work in Haiti.

Etsy Treasury, "Buried Treasure", curated by Dee.